Saturday, November 27, 2010

Parapapa....I'm Loving It~!!


aaaaaa......haiiiiii...hahahah...ada ala2 MD Kilau x????Apa???Terlalu berkilaukilau???
hahahahah...Nie bkn post nk story mory psl MCD yg dah berubah upe yer..... 
Just want to shout dat
Later i tell u ha why i am so excited today...hahahaha....

p/s-->Oh...begini rasanya...bilaku jatuh cinta...hahahahha...bodo poyo gatal miang ko ppuanpondan!!!!!

Friday, November 26, 2010

The Weird Things About Me


My name is Sulehah Binti Nordin. Today, i would like to storymory about the top weird things about me....Hahhahaha, mcm zaman bdk2 tadika x????Giler bongoksss....Wes, arini ak nk habaq mai sikitmanyak tentang bnda plg burukteruk psl ak lah kn...xkn psl korg...psl korg ak pon xtaw....hahahahha...Layan jek lah....

1. Aku mmg kuat mkn...Sgt kuat...So, watch out...Incik Taf ckp dlm idup ak xpnh aderwujud perkataan "KENYANG" ok...agak kejam kuakui ak mmg canteq...ek, slh termerapu...hakhak...ak mmg kuat mkn pon...
Contohnya, dialog antara abah n anaknya semasa kami pulng dr Perlis-Trg

A--Awak nie kuat mkn lah angah...tgk, ariari nk mkn ayam...Abah tgk fera (ok, fera tlg jgn kmbg idung          ang!!Amaran keras dr jbtn polis kangar)..haahahah..smbg blk...Abah tgk fera mkn pon xabis..

SN--Ala, dah aritu kitorg xmkn kan...sbb bnjir...alsn nya ko ppuanpondan. Si Fera tue xplak bnjir skali ngn ekau..???hahahah...Ok, binaayat blk...Ala, dulu abah ckp mkn je selagi ader selera...dah skt kn susah... Xdek plak nafsuberahi nk mkn....hahahahah..pndai x ak cover..???

Pastu bnti kat next station pon ak bantai mkn lg....hahahhah...ader ak kesah???

2. Still psl mkn jgk, hahah...mmg sah ko kuat mkn...!!Terbukti dgn JM5..tb2 makin merapu...stop...back to story...Ak kalu lpor ak blh abiskn mknan ak (standard pnuh ns polystrene) dlm ms 5 min...dont believe it???Believe it..!!!hahahah..btul wes...ak mmg blh abiskn dlm ms 5 min, pastu mmg mkn xtgk kirikanan dpnblkg...pndg dpn jek..mksd ak pndg mknan..and non-stop eating...pas sumbat-telan...telan-sumbat...
So, even kalu Intan Ladyana ke, AaronAziz lalu, ak mmg bt xtaw..lantak pi lah ang pa...jnji ak knyg,nk mkn...
Hahahaha...insiden memalukan ini tlh berlaku sgt byk kali semasa ak ngedate ngn incik taf...Dan die hnya mpu trsenyumgelawketawariangria diiringi ngn gelengan tdk percaya ak xlyn die lgsg tym lpor...hahahaha...
nsb lah ekau bdn...nk bt lagu mn...dah cek mmg cm gni...-___-

3. Shopping xingt dunia....hahahha...ak jnis bkn slalu ak suka kumpul duet banyakmanyak, and then 1,2,3...go...mission start...ak kelilingtawaf mall 3kali, dah aim ap ak nk...nt ak br beli bila msk pusingan ke4....hahahah..pstu ak akn selongkar sume kedai berkaitan ke x dgn ak nk beli ak bahan msk sume sj nk abiskn ms ak yg byk....pdhal assignment berlorilori tp ko mls nk study...pastu mmg sume listlist yg ak nk beli yg dah aim berulanbulan dah belekbelek dalm mjlah smpai dah jd upe suratkabar lm ak akan make sure ak kna dptkn....hahahha...So, kompemkompem korg blh byng kn ak pnya upe ms ngah shopping dgn paperbeg yg byk gler tue...kira org kirikanan ak pndg mcm akn ckp, "kayanya bdk nie"...hahahha...perasn x???pdhal xdek org pon nk amik taw psl ko...ko ingat ko diva???hahaah...So, ak lg suka shopping tym ak byk mcm Heaven gler...huahuhauha...Shopping mall tue gua yg pnya...Gler bodo x????haaahha...

-- Dulu ms 1st tym ak kat araustralia, ak sgt bohsan...tiap2 buln ak trn Peneng, shopping sakan...hahaha...
Peneng slalu ader sale bai gua ckp sm lu...!!!!

4.  Ak sgt kuat tdo..Ak akn tdo ikut mata ak....kalu dah ngantuk, mata alaala kuyukuyu mnja...ak kna tdo...kalu ak tahanpaksa mata ak suh celik, mmg xah...ak mmg xboleh nak bt apa apa...apa pon xjln.. Tp, kalu ak xngntuk, mmg segarbugar bundar ah mata ak...hhahah..Then, ak mmg xsukapantang toknenek ak kaco ak tym tdo...ader nk kna jerkah....lg, kalu kol ak tgh tdo, kalu urgent kol (except family, incik taf) ak xkisah, kalu kol nk men2 nk knl2 bagai..ader plak org nk knal ko???ahhh..xkesah...mmg sah ak kna jerkah ngn ak...then, sory lah yer...hahahahha...kejam x ak??ader ala2 hitler x????

5. Ak pntg brg ak ilang,ok....take note plez...kalu nk habaq mai kat cek..jgn dok amik xhabaq...mmg cek xblh blah..blah ko skrg...hahhaha..So, fhm2 lah kn mcm mn ak akn mngamuk...even ngn adikadik ak pon ak mngamuk....ngn org luor apatah lagi kn....Please take note...

6. Ak mmg jnis kuat cakap...cakap xreti nk benti..lagi2 kalu tgh HOT n SPICY..uishhh..mkn kat KFC best jgk....hahahah...ha,,,ak mmg jnis kuat ckp...mmg ak sll xnk kalah...berani krna benar kot...So, standard 10 org bg 100 ak jwb...kalu 100 org bg, korg kira sndr lah ek brp ak nk jwb...hahhha....Kdg2 ak mmg ckp smpai meleretleret dan merepekrepek....tgk cnth dah trbukti dpn mata...ak mmg kuat merapu dah upe mcm ikan kerapu....hahhahaha....

p/s--> Whoever u are, u deserve to get the best in your life...No need to worry what others will say about u...Just be urself, feel confortable on it, and u'll rock the world....We cant be perfect to make others happy...  Just make sure always things positive about urself and all people around u and keep smiling, bebeh... 

Thursday, November 25, 2010

FlyFly Away.....


Haaaahahhaha....i want to flyfly away from the ground but dont want to fly at the sky..erkkk???btl ke ayatperibahasa ak nieh??? hahahah..lntak lerr...dis is the place where i reallyreally want to work....where????
 hahahha...OFFSHORE bai gua ckp sm lu...stailomilo babe kalu ppuan keje kat sn...dah xramai kn...nak kna compete ngn laki lagi...mcm stail ah sp yg keje kat sn...perghhhhh...gua tabik springspringtest lah...!!! tuelah impian ak....ak nak sgt at least merasa keje kat ctu...xlama pon...kalu Malaysia plg lm 3month...Kalu ko menempek kat company oversea, haaa...mmg no limit time lah...nsb ko lah badan...hahahah... Kowg tau ker offshore tue kat ner, mende..??? Haa, nie mai cek mai...cek habaq sikit na....

What is offshore?????
  1. Moving away from the shore.
  2. Located in the sea away from the coast. An offshore oil rig
  3. Located in another country, especially one having beneficial tax laws.

Offshore driling????

Offshore (hydrocarbon)???

Hahahahah...bijak x skill ak???nt kalu ak xplain pon tkot korg xfhm...kowg try lah intaiintai dlm wikipedia tue ek....hahahah...nah...lyn gmbr nie...ak amik ms ak praktikal dlu....Tp ak xg lah kat sn...sbb nak g sn kna ader lesen bgai siap...ngn ader certificate dr OSHA...kna wat latihan bagai...hahah..nie ak cilop dr staff SGS...

 The largest, the latest and the most sophisticated offshore installation and MODU I've ever been to...State-of-the-Art and Dynamic Positioning beb... look at the Crane and the twin derrick... Magnificent.. fully automated...

Stail x????kan ak dah habaq mai kat ang pa ati ak dah berbelah bagi....huhuhukhuk...
Abah ak mmg kompem sokong ak 3001%...mak ak mmg berat ati nak bagi anak gadis cute miut die pegi... So, ati ak mmg nak sgt lah kalu dah ader rezeki...seluas padang bola golf ak tadah...bola golf???abaikan....hahaha....Huh, tgk jek lah nt cner ek....

p/s--> Kalu ak dpt join slumberjee (betul ke eja cmnie???) abaikn jgk...perggghhhh...lg dasyat bai gua ckp sm lu....Mmg stail giler....Just wish me luck and pray for me...Love u all =)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Lets Start Dreaming......


Now, life as a future "chemist"...I'm chemist wanabe????walawehhhh...huhuhu...I start to think about my life... Start to do a a goodgood planner, rite..???am i???apaapa lah....merapukerapu.. Sometime i think that should i act more mature like 23years old girl woman...???or, just be urself...leklek 23 ork???? okok... I am who i am....i will be mature depends on situation...I am the person that have a lot of dreams, a very long list what i want to do in my life, and i wannabe such a greatgreat daughter to my mom n dad....^___^...
Lets check-it-out what i have plan for my future (1 years after i grade)...

1. Chemist wanabe...InsyaAllah -___-

2. Bahagiakn makabah....wahhhhwahhhh...all ur sacrificed were too much....i cant pay with the money, i know...but i will make u happy and proud of me....

3. I can drive my own car...beli pakai duet titikpeluh petani sendiri tue....!!!! Of course lah my dream car... CALDINA!!!!

4. Be someone wife...????erkkk...I.Allah..kalau ade yg msk meminang...ayat pasrah + poyo...
p/s-->incik gemok...tb2...hahahah 

5. After 1 years work, i must have certificate from IKM..bukan Institut Kemahiran Malaysia yer...!!!! 
Institut Kimia Malaysia....

6. Do a planning for next future...heheheh...

Actually, i dont want to work makangaji harihari...haruharu....So, dah ad dlm otak beberapa planning tuk bukak bisnes...tgklah nt cmner...just wait n see what will happen next...

p/s---> Saya memang suka beranganpoyo nak buat nie, nak buat tue....saya suka!!!!!hahahaha

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Perlu kerrrrrrrr??????


Perlu ker korg nak ganggu idup ak?? (ak xkco korg pon....usik je pon..!!!hahaha)
Perlu ke korg nak dengki ngan ak?? (Sah lah korg mmg dah dpt PHD=Perasaan Hasad Dengki)
Perlu ke korg nak mengumpat pasal ak??? (Cakap direct kn senang...xyah malumalu...ak xkesah ak kesah???tp bgs jgk...korg tmbahkn pahala tuk ak kan...)
Perlu ke ak blk ARAUSTRALIA???? (Perlu sbb blh ngedate...hahhaha...gatai gedikss ko na.... )
Perlu ke nak kna mandi 10 x sehari??? (Xperlu sbb ak mmg mlz mandi...hahahahha)
Perlu ke ak kena menjadi canteq????? (Ko ingat ko canteq sgt ke diva????hahahah)
Perlu ke nak touching ngan ak lelebey???? (Dah mmg slh ekau...ader ak kesah plak????)
Perlu ke nak tgk ak atasbawah, pandang smpai mata juling, pastu nk kena kutukkutuk??? (Sekati, sekilo ak lah nk pkai ap pon....sebuk je...huissshhh)


hahahhaha...ader ke org kesah nk amik taw psl ko????xnk sude....ade ak kesah???Perlu ke???
maknanya xperlu..jg diri sendiri, jd diri sendiri, dgn tanpa rasa segansilu...banggalah dgn diri sendiri....^_______^

p/s--> abaikn entry mengongbengong ini...hahahha...perlu ke????

It's a Convocation Day!!!!


Alhamdulillah, finally my sis already got her scroll..While waiting for her in the hall, (since just my parents can go into it), so, nevermind even almost 3hours we waited....i snap some picture...huuhu....just layannnnn....

 Ha..amik...congrate to my lovely sista....finally ha sis, u done it... So, what next??? I will support whatever u want to do....

 U can make mom smile again....Dad proud of u...and also ur sibling...powerpuff gurl...pffftttt...hahaha..
Lets make world rock n roll, babeh!!!

 Haaa....where is me???dah nm ak kna jd photographer....xdok lah....sobsosbsob :'(
 Sy nk st, bley????Nk yg barbie...kalu xdek nk spongebob squarepant :)

 A lot of flower....Just prepare a money and grab 1 and give it to ur lover -______-

Elloooo...dis girl super duper cute....miss cutey -_____-

p/s--> nk ltk byk pic lmbab gler nk, mlz...hahhaha...
lyn je la mn ade...nt rjin ak upload lg...gmpaq kot....huahuahua...gler poyo....ader ak kesah plak???

Monday, November 22, 2010



Hye...talking about who are behind u dat can make u strong, dat always give u inspiration (ala2 keta inspira..sp nk bg kat ak pon bole...seluas pdg bola ak tadahkn..) hahaha...i also have them that are really2 important in my life...

Whenever I'm having a hard time, they will always pop up my mind... I always call them everyday and story about the whole happen in my life....

The only parents i have in this world -_______-

 My happy family... The greatest family Allah has given to me..

 Watch out...All my sibling have different personality...but i love them... we're very crazies....hehhe

 With along and kakak, we share everything...happiness and sadness...

And this is also the important one in my life...He always with me...Give me adviced...A veryvery good listener...bcoz i always nag...blablabla...kept talking and story to him even he never know who dat person dat i talking about...hahahah...but he just pretend like know everything...i love u...thanx for always with me...

 No matter what will happen next...i will always love u...

And, tha last but not new BestFriendForever...Afera Rozana Bte Sahhari, Mohd Nor Safuan n Syed Ahmad Mahdhar...Thank you for always support me, always fighting with me, always make a joke, always lepaking smbil mkn ns kandar...hehehe..the moment when i'm with u all are the best ever happen in my life...

 still remember our port??? tiang nie smpai tiang sn tmpt!!!heheheh...smbil mkn ns ngn nyamuk....zzzzz...i miss that moment...
 pffftttt...ble nmpk gulakapas msti tringt kat dorg...sbb kami antu gulakapas sblm tdo!!!hahaa

p/s--> The time is gold. Dont blame on 'lampu isyarat' if u r late...That bcoz u r not do a planning..(Apa kna mngena pon ak xtaw...hhahahah) -_____-

Friday, November 19, 2010

Holiday vs Convocation???


Hye kowg...So, ak akn ke S.Alam for 2 days je kot...Bt per??? Heheheh...Akk ak konvo...congrate babe...
Finally...heehhe...So, dah alang2 bapak ak plan nk holiday trip sekali ngn family ak sume2 kn...Ekkk???
Sn ad aper ek...Jom usha babe...

kowg usha jek lah kat link tue ek...tu universiti akk ak die kat s.alam...bkn bb..just her convo event at there....So, kitorg pon xplan lg nk g mn....just wait n see...
K, guys....njoy ur holiday with ur family....@______@

 i want to go to theme i can scream to remove my pressure  -_____-

p/s--> Hargai ms yg kowg ader...spent ur time with ur lovely family, lover n friends....Do whatever u want to do in your life...bcoz our life is short..make it wonderful!!!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010



Hye kowg....still in raya mood????Takbir pon 3 ari kn??? So, not too late for me to wishing Happy EidulAdha.. Hhehehe...So, smlm bapak ak beria kol byk kali suh gak kitorg p kat tmpt smblih lmbu...sbb kitorg xblk kpg dis year...So, ak dgn kmlsan pon pg ah...bawak jgk camera gabak ak tue kn...Ad lah ak snap gmbr lmbu2 yg nk kna Qorban...So, kowg lyn jek lah...n enjoy ur holiday with ur family, ur lover, n ur whatever..hahahaha...

Masjid Darul Bayan, Pinang Merah

 Look at the list name; Lembu no4.. Nordin Mohamad

Our Lembu..heheheh...Kurus sgtttt....
 Dah nk kna sembelih....sob..sob

 My sister; Ain Nordin

 My Lovely Daddy; Hj Nordin Mohamad
- u r the greatest ever daddy in my world-

My Bro; Cikgu Amirul Naim Nordin
He's not single anymore!!!!  

Erkkk...Im dead!!!Im dead!!!Im dead....:(

So, ap yg korg korbankan dlm idup korg stkt nie???sm2 kiter fikirkn....

p/s-->njoy ur holiday n Happy Eiduladha again....
p/s/s--> To my lover, dont be sad syg even u are far away from ur fmly n i...i love u...

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The One That Love Nature


Hye...weh..nk share something about nature...actually im not the one dat are profesional..but im trying to be dat one...hahha..(poyo..ntah bila dpt xtaw ah...) im still njoy..

jeng2....tue je yg ak blh tnjuk kat kowg stkt the new begginer....xpndai sgt pon lg..ulng still kalu kowg nk ak amik gmbr kwen kowg...gua xdek hal beb...baek pnya counting...

p/s-->buah cmpdak di luar pgr, amik glh tlg jolokkn, sy bdk br bljr, kalu slh tlg tnjukkn...
p/s/s-->rindu cempedak grg afe bt...sdp bai gua ckp sm lu....