Sunday, November 6, 2011


Dah lm kan x update blog?? dah lama lah sgt... sangat lama kot... in mind rs nk close je account.... xtaw lah... huhuhu... bz since im working and i already terminated my line... Seriously bz working 6 days per week, then just only got holiday for 1 day... sedey... huhuhu...

But...... I still have a time for my love...hehhhe..

3rd November 2011..


That's all...TQ...hhahhha

Thursday, June 2, 2011

i need a doctor...give me a doctor....


(xjawab dosa...jawab dapat tambah pahala)

Seriously...2,3 ari nie aku mmg sgt stress...Byk masalah...Byk ke?? Maybe Allah S.W.T nak uji, nak bg, aku terima lah kn dgn redha dan bersabar dalam menghadapi dugaan2 tersebut.... Dan ms aku ada masalah, aku teringat lah kat one of my ex-roomate...cik AFERAROZANA...Dulu, dia penah cakap...Alllah S.W.T tak kan bagi kite ujian..dugaan tue kat kite kalau Dia tahu kite xmampu nak hadapinya... Sebab Dia tahu kite boleh atasi masalah dan dugaan lah Dia cuba nak uji kite...betul x?? kalau kite sabar...InsyaAllah...xdek amsalah yang xboleh nak diselesaikan...heheheh...

So, doctor pun xboleh buat apa-apa kan?? Biasa doctor ak bgtau jangka hayat pesakit kanser...contoh...ok, u just have 3 month left to live...Tapi, urusan hidup..mati...semua ditangan Tuhan..Jika kita berusaha...tidak ada yang mustahil...So, fighting...(Pasal sakit kanser tu...contoh je tau..mintak dijauhkan...aminn)

But, sometime...when i have a problem...i hope people around me...understand me...i need my own space.. sometime i need to be alone..sometime i will ignore u...That is me...and i am sorry if i will hurting u...

P/S--Tidak ada yang mustahil dalam hidup jika kita terus berusaha..So.i will try my best...find a job and for my next interview...Fight For Your Right..

ini dia..cik best buddy...

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tidak Ada Yang Sempurna Antara Kita

Dia tidak sempurna. Hanya seorang lelaki biasa, yang tidak mempunyai antibodi yang kuat (blh x??tiba2 ka..hahaha) tapi tue lah kenyataan nya...orang nampak dia gagah, sebab dia askar..hakikatnya..aku je taw...(ek?? bkn 18 sx okies) aku lagi kuat dari dia sbb dia sll sakit..tue je maksud aku.

Lelaki nie cuba buat apa je yang ak katakan (that's doesnt meant that he is "lurus")..Tapi dia sangat kuat cemburu... Kadang2 dia sgt comey bila dia cemburu...kadang2 aku bkn nak sgt marah dia...Tapi suka tgk bila dia xtaw nak pujuk aku...He make me perfect..

Ketidaksempurnaan saya  merupakan kesempurnaan awak...Dan kesempurnaan saya, ketidaksempurnaan awak..Kekuatan awak, kelemahan saya..Kekuatan saya, kelemahan awak..

Mencintai awak membuatkan saya bahagia, sedih, gembira..Awak sabar melayan segala kerenah saya.. Bila saya marah, awak diam.. Bila saya gembira dan gila2, awak cakap saya demam...U make my day more wonderful... Saya bahagia mencintai ketodaksempurnaan diri awak...

Antara Puzzle Hidup Saya

Antara sedar atau tak, antara aku dan dia, kami mempunyai banyak persamaan..Susah senang, tawa riang, tangis sedih yang kami lalui selama 11 tahun bersama membuatkan aku sendiri tak percaya....Dia lah teman aku di kala aku gembira, dan di lah teman aku di kala aku bersedih... Walaupun aku dah dia agak lama tak berjumpa, tapi kami tetap berkawan rapat...(doe, ayat skema nak mampus)..hahahahah... Actually nak cter psl ak ngan member baik ak nie ha..dah lama kami kawan...byk kot kenangan sm2...gagagag.. lari dr polis lah (bwk moto xdek lesen), ponteng skolah (kami budak nakal), tp kami ttp score..heheheh.. Tup2 kawan ak dah nak tunang...Hopefully mu bahagia di samping En Mergas Tuah nyer..hehehe... aku sayang mu ketatketat... Friend Forever babe... U R MY BEST BUDDY...LOL...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Oh..itu kisah katak...puteraku...

This story dat i will tell are already edit by me to make it more funny, wonderful and the most important.. the message behind the story...njoy guys....

One days, at Kg.Raja Katak Kiut, the king make one announcement....

RK: Hoiiiiii org2 kpg....listen here carefully...bcoz i dont want to repeat,ok!!!... Tomorrow, i want to make a competition......
PK: Competition?????Apakah???
RK: Competition lah....Any guys who can dare himself to climb the mountain (Gunung Katak Senandung), u can marry me little princess, Princess Exora....
PK: Oh...god....our king are start to be ada katak mampu nak panjat gunung...Cuba buat pertandingan renang berirama...kan menarik dan kiut...Jom balik...(kedengaran suara2 sumbang yang penakut)..Maka, tinggalkan just a few of katak jantan (pemutak=katak muda) yang berani...
RK: Ok...So, we'll meet at here at 8 am sharp....dont be late ha....bcoz i really hate waiting.. .
Keesokkan harinya, tepat jam 8:00:00 am, pemutak dah tunggu kat tempat yang dijanjikan.... seminit kemudian, Raja Katak pon sampai....

RK: Okies....u olss listen carefully, i dont want to repeat...there is NO RULE in this competition.... No Limit Time and you can do anything that u want until you reach the top of mountain.. The winner is who can reach it first.... U can start now and enjoy your journey...
PK: So, penduduk kampung yang lain just wait at the bottom lah kan.... Some of this katak give them a fully support just like..."go...go...u can do it....", "come on...lek arr bro...sikit lagi...nt u can marry with Princess Exora doe" and at the others side give them negative motivation like " dah lah wes...nak bunuh diri ke???ko tue katak...xdek nya ko dpt sampai ke puncak.."

Because of this to side motivation, some of pemutak nie...ada yang dah give up and ada yang still trying... And the negative motivator nie, die makin rancak lah membahan pemutak2 itu untuk meruntuhkan semangat mereka... Finally, almost all from pemutak tue start to retreat back to the bottom...because they influenced by the negative motivator nie....they think that they cant reach until the top of mountain just because they are the frog...But, surprising is when this one frog still trying alone to reach the top...he stop for a while n continue again and again....n...jeng2...he do it....he reach the mountain and then he married with Princess Exora...

If u want to know, why he can reach the top of mountain...the reason is:

- This frog are deaf and dumb..So, he can not hear any of "negative motivator" said...

- He have a strong believe in himself that he can do...

-This frog know his goal ---> marry with Princess Exora

The message from this story is, when u want to do anything i your life...u just do it...because u know what the best for u...don't think to much if it is for ur goodness...Some others people will not support u because they are too jealousy with u...and they don't want u to succeed in your life....

Just think about it...and u will know what is the best for u...You Owned Your Own Life....

I am the champion.....I can marry with Princess Exora

Oh.....Terharu mak...Kawen ngan katak gagah...

Monday, January 31, 2011

quickly update- something for "TUAN MANIS"


quickly update and sorry for a long time not pon dah pnuh ngn lalang...makin bz...tension reactor rosak n tibatiba ada plak org sibuk dtg nak guna jgk reactor...buat muka kerekkerek...mentang2 ang student master dah berlagak...cesss...ko tggu jelah nt....dah x malu nk pkai gasket ak..dlm mimpi pon x dpt bai...ok stop...control urself...kate nak jd ppuan ayu bagai kan...hahahhah...tension sbnrnya...

nway, i have something to my special one...seriously nak die rs trharu since die dah lulus FNT-Fnal Navigastion Test die....n..i dont have a money to buying him so expensive thing....then i just have dis one that i edited about 3 days..hahahha..loser gler...

sejak dua menjak asik post psl TUAN MANIS...sorrylah...kalu xsuka sila baca lagi...hahahha...
sorry lah..cuma dia fhm ak...n my best buddy lah kn...
seriously, i try to fight with all the think yg "merepek+merapuk"...hehhehe...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Thanks GOD!!!!


Hye babe...seriously Thanks God that my sample preparation already done and i already learnt how to use the batch reactor and my gasket are fit..(this sumpah really big hug i give to my Tuan Manis yang gagah tolong ak guntingkan gasket tue..i syg u lbh lah syg) about batch wise reactor yang besar gabak tue...seriously babe gua kna angkat bnda alah tue sendiri dan sgt other tym i will show u the video lah kan during i use that reactor...gua pggl bnda tue transformer...hahhahaha....

Thanks to GOD also, even im still new and no want not know about my blog and who's SueNordin.??? Canteq sgt ke ko??hahhaha...xdek org pon heran actually ak jek yg perasan...hahhaha...Some others that suddenly read my blog...seriously THANKS AND BIG HUG... Thanks for the comment and your support.... I will write more all the info that i know and all what i think is good for us....

I also promise to write about the "PRINCE FROG" fairytale...hhhuhhhu..seriously guys...i dont have too much tym....i will write ok...cause i promise....